Health Apps from J&J: Amazing Digital Innovation In Health Care


Johnson & Johnson is working on 4 different apps that are so on the money when it comes to health issues from allergies to knee replacements. The pollen count app, in particular, sounds amazing.

The AllergyCast App

  • This app provides the pollen count each day for your zip code, along with an “allergy impact number.” Thanks to a proprietary algorithm, the app uses multiple factors—such as weather and social media mentions of allergies in your zip code—to give you an idea of how likely you are to have symptoms each day and helps you identify the optimal time to take your allergy medication before the onset of symptoms.

Read on for more below on apps for arthritis, glucose levels and knee surgeries.

RA-RA (Remote Assessment in Rheumatoid Arthritis): a wearable tracker

Goofy name but if this works it would be extremely helpful. The second prototype for this mobile app is headed into a clinical trial shortly.

  • The app works in tandem with activity trackers, like a FitBit or Garmin, to collect behavioral and health information like heart rate, steps taken, sleep duration and daily levels of joint pain. Taken together, these details can indicate how well (or not) medication is working, and whether a patient’s condition is worsening or improving.
  • The app allows patients to monitor their progress every day in between doctor visits, which they can then share with their doctor to provide a more detailed picture of their overall health.


OneTouch Reveal mobile app monitors your glucose level – launching mid-2017

  • As you test your blood sugar over time, the app visualizes trends in your numbers—for instance, you may notice that your levels tend to run high between 2 pm and 3 pm —enabling you to better manage your glucose levels.
  • The app allows you to share your data with your doctor and set up alerts as well.


A digital ecosystem that can help identify if you’re a candidate for knee surgery

  • It takes the average person 7 to 11 years from the moment when they first feel knee pain to schedule surgery to help treat it.
  • For people who will ultimately need surgery, there’s a lot of clinical data showing that having surgery sooner rather than later leads to better outcomes.
  • This app is an interactive way to accelerate surgical consults starting with answering questions about pain levels. Then, using those results and predictive analytics, the site can provide personalized treatment advice, whether it’s to consult with a doctor about surgery or other therapies.
  • Surgical candidates will be able to download a free app launching in 2017 that can help prepare them for surgery and recovery with targeted tips based on answers to key questions.
  • Similar systems for people considering hip or bariatric surgery are also in the works and scheduled to become available by the end of 2017.

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