How Well Do You Know Your New York Millionaires?


REAL New York millionaires are a sensible bunch – especially judging by the type of cars they drive.

Here are the top 3 models:

  • Honda Accord
  • Jeep Grand Cherokee
  • Hyundai Sonata

Wealth Engine has been tracking high wealth individuals for over 20 years to provide lifestyle insights to their clients. This time around they also created an infographic specific to New York millionaires. Fascinating, worth a read!


Read on below for more on how they are and how they live.

Vast majority are in their 60’s

Top Cars!!


Bottom Line.

The vast majority of NY Metro millionaires come in at the low end of the ranking with a net worth of $1 to $5 million. Ridiculous as it might sound, a million dollars in NYC won’t make you feel particularly rich – especially if you have a mortgage, condo fees and kids to educate.

My take from the infographic is that many of the millionaires are self-made, small business owners, quite frugal vs. flashy (Hyundai Sonata drivers). An independent bunch!

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