Anticipatory Design by Sophie Kleber – OUTSTANDING presentation at Northside!!

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Attended the Northside Innovation Conference in Brooklyn last week – a gathering of technologists, entrepreneurs, designers, and content creators.

One speaker’s topic had me mesmerized, totally compelling content and ideas.  Sophie Kleber from Huge gave a first rate presentation on Anticipatory Design. At its core, the function of anticipatory design is to gather the necessary data to move from the era of personalization to automated decision-making using Algorithmic Intelligence (AI). The goal is to create an ecosystem where a decision is never made—it happens automatically, without user input.

Some of the slides from her presentation are posted below. Also check out Huge – an amazingly smart group of people.



i LOVE THIS CONCEPT – First generation AD can be seen in how Amazon and Netflix recommend choices based on previous purchases and viewing habits. In addition, AD is at the heart of Internet-based appliances like the Nest Thermostat (The Internet of Things) As Anticipatory Design revolutionizes the consumer selection process, companies need to adapt. When customers begin to see its many benefits, they will avoid dealing with companies that don’t provide it.


Another excellent insight


I just love this concept – and get quite annoyed when technology doesn’t know what I want….


Note AI, here means algorithmic intelligence….

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