Changing Up My Routine, It’s Gotten Boring.

I can’t believe I’m saying this but I need a break from writing. I want to spend more of my time DOING stuff versus writing about it.

What inspired this?

Two sides of my personality got into a tussle.

There’s the side of me that is rigorous about following through on everything I commit to doing, e.g., write my blog and post EVERY SINGLE DAY.

And there’s the side of me that is spontaneous and seeking newness and adventure. That’s the side that wanted to check out the Donald Judd show at MoMA yesterday. My responsible side, meanwhile, got the upper hand. It said “NO,” you’ve got 3 blog posts to write.


And then this happened

I mulled it over and decided I needed to give myself a break from this self-imposed writing schedule. I don’t want writing to become drudgery and it’s *this” close to turning into precisely that.

The plan going forward is to write at least once a week, possibly more, but it will be on a topic that I’m really jonesing to explore and that I have a point of view on to share. For example, this past Thursday, I went to see the spectacular SPRING/BREAK Art Show that’s part of Armory Week. The theme was IN EXCESS and it was fantastic. On top of seeing great work, I was feeling really social and free. As a result I met a slew of artists and had some terrific conversations about their work and how it was evolving. I had the best time. And I want more of that in my life. I’m checking out even more art shows this week. So be on the lookout for a post on how art world influences are infiltrating design, fashion, home decor and even entertainment.

What to expect from me going forward

I’m definitely going to DO more. And be more social and MEET more people. And EXPLORE more. And, of course, I can’t wait for travel to again be on the docket. Future of Everything here I come!

Knowing me and my need for organization and planning, I will undoubtedly over-schedule myself but it’s all good. I’m just happy to be out of my rut. How I turned writing, which I love, into a chore is beyond me. But that’s what happened and now I’m righting the ship.

In the meantime, if you want to stay up to date on how it’s going and what I’m up to, follow me on Instagram (@IrmaZandl).

Bottom line.

Stay tuned. I’m not going away BUT I am getting a recharge! And I’ll be the first to admit I’m a little nervous about pivoting away from something I’ve been doing religiously for 5 years. But hey, life’s too short not to have it be as fulfilling and fun as it can be. I’ve got to do it.

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