My Year In Review: 2019 Was Strange But Hey I Powered Through

What an odd year it’s been. We’re living in an “alternative facts” world and things seem to be getting more unhinged by the minute but somehow we’ve all managed to prevail and overcome the challenges coming at us. I learned a lot this year and had some phenomenal travel experiences. I’m closing out the year with a great sense of accomplishment. Can’t ask for more than that!

Here are the 5 things that made 2019 an excellent year for me
1. I had a major birthday and was thrilled to celebrate with some of my travel besties

Turning 70 just snuck up on me but I’ve got to tell you I’ve never been happier or more fulfilled than I am right now. How this stage of my life turned out to be the best, I have no idea. But I’m definitely more content and carefree than ever before.

One of the great things about being this age is that it makes you aware of just how precious and finite time is and how important it is to make the most of every moment. It focuses you on the present and makes you much more appreciative of the people and the good things in your life. You’re less likely to take things for granted. It changes your perspective on what’s really important and what’s just nonsense and not worth getting into a tussle about.

Also, now that I’m a member of that elite 70s-plus club, I’m in great company. Tina Turner just celebrated her 80th birthday with this amazing video (watch it if you haven’t already). Yayoi Kusama, one of my favorite artists, turned 90 this year. And, of course, there are dozens of amazing women strutting their stuff on Instagram who inspire me daily to be bolder and more creative in how I live my life.

People often ask me if I have any secrets for leading such a great life at this age. Here’s what I tell them to focus on.

  • HEALTH: Nothing is more important than staying healthy (eating right, being physically active, watching your weight). I’m also not shy about talking about the importance of “looking” healthy. That’s where botox and little nips and tucks come in. In my experience, if the reflection you see in the mirror matches how you “feel,” you’ll be happier – and healthier. I know not everyone agrees with this but it’s worked for me.
  • PURPOSE: Stay engaged with the world, don’t live in the past, embrace the new. Keep your network of friends and acquaintances fresh and vibrant.
  • FINANCIAL FREEDOM: Being disciplined about money is essential. Live within your means. By the time you’re 40 (if not earlier), you have to start building that nest egg for when you’re older.
Scroll down for more on what made this such an “excellent” year.
2. LOTS OF TRAVEL to lots of new places

2019 was all about exploring America. And as always, I like to explore places that have an interesting art scene whether it’s street art, public art or museum art.

The city I absolutely fell in love with was Boise (which is also where I celebrated my birthday). I loved our hotel (The Modern), the restaurant scene in Boise is amazing. They also have a wonderful State Fair (lots of llamas) and their street art is fabulous (Freak Alley).

I also loved Tulsa – thank you, Jack White for putting it on my radar!

Tulsa is brimming with art and culture (and some fabulous kitsch). The Philbrook Museum is first-rate and they have a fabulous Kehinde Wiley painting.

Minneapolis – amazing art scene (and Brad had two great shows there)
Thank you Neely Tamminga for the great hotel recommendation (The Hewing)

The earthwork sculptures by Robert Smithson (Spiral Jetty) and Nancy Holt’s Sun Tunnels were mind-blowing.

And I’ll never forget our drive onto the Bonneville Salt Flats where a US army commercial was being shot complete with drones and military vehicles. Thank you again, John and Erika, for making this leg of the journey happen!

Palm Springs – I went for Desert X but was blown away by Slab City and the Bombay Beach Biennale. Thank you, Andy Cohen, for putting on my radar.
Crystal Bridges in Bentonville, Arkansas – thank you, Karen Stone Talwar, for a great experience. Loved this town, very cool. Total surprise.
3. Music re-entered my life

I don’t recall the last time music played such a big role in my life but I am so glad to have rediscovered my musical soul through these artists.

  • Brandi Carlile – I found her through an American Express commercial created specifically for the US Open Tennis that used her music. And then as happens with Facebook, I was alerted to her upcoming concert at Madison Square Garden. Best live performance EVER! She’s absolutely magical on stage.
  • Oklahoma on Broadway. Keeping with the birthday theme, my friends Rob and Shawn treated me to this extraordinary remake of the classic musical from the ’40s. But now it’s anything but classic. I cannot express how much I loved what Daniel Fish did to remake this show. It’s sexy AF and totally cool. The music is exquisite.
  • Leonard Cohen – I am ashamed that it took me this long to discover him (well, I knew about him but hadn’t listened to his music.). I stumbled upon him when k.d. lang, who has been a longtime favorite of mine, sang his Hallelujah at a tribute concert for him. And then it all came together and I have been listening to both of them – non-stop.
  • Ken Burns Country Music documentary series on PBS blew me away. It introduced me to so many great artists (and their stories) who I was only vaguely familiar with.
4. I Made great progress with my writing and this blog

My readership has tripled over the last year and engagement with the blog appears to be growing. It’s a tough slog but I know I’m making progress.

I’m also delighted to have finally landed on a tag line for myself: “the new never gets old.” It seems to be resonating based on the feedback I’m getting. I love the simplicity of the message. For the moment, it feels right. Thank you Michael Quinn for working with me to make this happen.

5. My social life is fantastic

It’s been a great year for friendships and meeting new people. I’ve especially enjoyed making the day-to-day interactions with people in my orbit more meaningful, e.g., my fellow gymgoers at the Chinatown Y, the staff and fellow members at Ludlow House.

I’ve also made it a priority to organize more group gatherings and make more connections between the people in my network. After a brief hiatus, my holiday party is even back on! There’ll be a post about it this week.

I’m also going to push myself to mix and mingle more at other people’s parties. I will no longer let opportunities to meet new people go to waste. And I think it will make me a better guest as well.

Bottom line.

Overall, the year has been extraordinarily exciting, active and, yes, sometimes stressful.

I look forward to the new decade and I also look forward to hearing from you all about the highlights of your year. What are you looking forward to as the new decade approaches?

Next up for me: resolutions for 2020!

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