New Attitudes About Dating and Marriage: Blame It On The Millennials!


Lots of new dating lingo – and we’ll just credit (blame) the millennials for it.

Here are five that caught my attention:

  • Breadcrumbing: when someone sends flirtatious text messages, comments, or likes on social media but they’re just leading you on, nothing ever comes of it.
  • Ghosting: not new but still one of the biggest trends on the dating scene. 78% of millennials admit to being ghosted. It means someone they’ve been seeing suddenly disappears and they can’t reach them for days or weeks. They might reappear randomly but with no explanation as to where they’ve been.
  • Micro-cheating: small flirtations with someone you’re attracted to that you keep secret from your partner. Nothing serious may be happening but deception is involved.
  • Love-bombing: instant chemistry, love at first sight, all too much, too fast. Fun but unrealistic and generally doesn’t end well. Love-bombing is practiced by those who are in love with love, as opposed to in love with you specifically.
  • Benching: after a few dates, they’re no longer asking you out. They stay in touch (you’re not being ghosted) but they’re hoping there’s someone better out there.

Read on below for more on the newest hook-up apps.


New Hook-Up Apps for When You’re Dating-On-The-Fly

Most online dating sites promise “happily ever-after” outcomes but with fewer people getting married and with the mainstreaming of sites like Grindr and Tinder (1.6 billion swipes daily, leading to 1 million dates a week), more apps are being created for casual relationships.

Here are a few interesting ones:

Scruff caters to men sporting facial hair (and those otherwise on the hairier side).

  • The user number has nearly doubled over the last year to more than 12 million men. There is some overlap with Grindr.


Farmers Only is the second most popular dating app in Nebraska, right behind tinder.


Trump Dating and TrumpSingles are two websites catering to supporters of President Donald Trump.

  • Already mired in controversy by, among other things, encouraging marrieds to sign up for trysts.



More brides want to dress down on their wedding day, hurting traditional bridal stores.

  • Casualization of both gowns and bridesmaids dresses is killing the industry
  • Moody’s just downgraded David’s Bridal, a 300-store chain, citing falling traffic and declining sales over the past two years.
  • Anthropologie, H&M, Asos, and Reformation all have cheaper bridal collections forcing David’s Bridal to introduce casual dresses from $39 to $400.

 BOTTOM LINE: It’s Saturday, it’s date night which clearly means, it’s app night. Get your dinner from Seamless, a movie from Netflix, and your date is just a swipe away on Tinder.  Have a great Saturday!!

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