One Month In. How Are We All Doing?

I had one small panic attack this weekend. I convinced myself I couldn’t breathe and that surely I had a fever. And before I get an influx of emails and texts wondering if I’m OK, YES, I’m perfectly fine. I did not have a fever nor did I have a breathing problem. What I did have was an over-heated imagination fed by too many coronavirus news updates.

So as we head into week 4, here’s what’s on my radar.

Divorce applications spike after coronavirus quarantines in China. Large numbers of young couples across the country are filing for divorce after spending weeks at home together during self-isolation.

supchina, March 16, 2020
And it’s happening here too (Source: Page Six)

Divorce filings are skyrocketing from quarantine-weary and financially stressed couples. Top matrimonial attorneys are experiencing a 50% rise in inquiries.

According to leading Manhattan family-law experts, some couples forced to spend time together while quarantined in cramped apartments or even in palatial pads haven’t fared well during the coronavirus outbreak.

On top of that, dramatic sways in the financial markets have spurred a wave of wealthy divorces, because richer spouses have decided they want out while their net worth dips — potentially helping them avoid larger settlements.

Interesting, right?

Some people thought coronavirus might result in a baby boomlet, but instead we’re talking divorces. Can’t say I’m surprised. It is a stressful time and being cooped up together is too much for some couples.

Scroll down for 9 additional lockdown observations.
I’m Sleeping really well. why?

Because the usually rowdy Lower East Side (“Hell Square“) is suddenly as quiet as a church mouse. No sirens, no trucks, no yelling, no party people, no drunks puking at 3 in the morning.

My friend, Sheri, mentioned how her sleep, in normally quiet Brooklyn, was being interrupted by the sound of sirens. It made me realize how the exact opposite was true for me in downtown Manhattan. Note, while I truly appreciate the sleep I would gladly sacrifice it to rowdiness if that would signal the end of coronavirus.

YouTube workout UPDATE: I’ve found my groove. It’s with beginners and seniors!

I was hot to trot with MadFit’s workouts which are excellent but too challenging (even beginner level is super hard). Also, if anybody has arthritis, the constant up and down from the mat is not fun.

Although I am still doing a few low level MadFit workouts, my absolute favorite discovery is the Fit Over Fifty series with Jenny McClendon. For my over-50 friends, you might also want to check out this fave from her channel (I especially like the music!). She also has a 55-minute workout that is outstanding.

And if you’re wondering how I did with the hip hop dance and cardio Latin workouts? Nah!! Not for me.

Walks – to lift my spirits

On Tuesday morning I walked to my local FedEx to send some stuff to Brad in AZ. And, by the way, I was the first and ONLY customer.

Afterwards I decided to walk home via a slightly more circuitous route through Soho. There were a few Con Ed workers blasting music from their truck while they were fixing something at Spring and Broadway. Other than that just a few people walking their dogs.

It had been weeks since I had been outdoors for more than a quick grocery run. Needless to say, I loved being out in the fresh air and will definitely do a few more early morning walks as the weather gets better. It lifted my spirits to be outside AND to discover that storefronts on Broadway were not boarded up as had been rumored (unlike those in my Nolita neighborhood).

But not all was hunky dory. I saw a woman returning to her car only to find the windows shattered and all her stuff GONE! On top of that, I was accompanied on my walk down Prince Street by two massive rats on the prowl for food. In San Francisco, they apparently have coyotes roaming the streets, in NYC we have rats!

All that aside, walks are on my itinerary for April.

My new uniform: Adidas SST Track Pants

I have been LIVING in these pants for the last month. So comfortable and dare I say, stylish enough for any lockdown! I feel fortunate to have snagged two pairs, literally the day before all the stores closed.

What is your at home uniform these days?

Cooking up a storm – and losing weight!

This is one of my favorite recipes: kale, lentil and tahini salad. Plus fruit, a glass of wine and last night, a Lindt chocolate truffle.

By being on this healthy eating jag I’ve lost 7 lbs since March 1st. The biggest reason is the absence of snacks in the house. Plus, I’m diligent about counting calories.

BUT all that aside, I cannot wait to get back to restaurant life! The conviviality, the excitement, the menus, the wine, the cocktail list. I love it all and miss it dearly.

Exploring and Traveling Virtually – Thanks to Google Arts & Culture

I am actively looking for at least one or two mind-enriching discoveries per day. This week, Architectural Digest provided Highgrove House in Gloucestershire, the private residence of Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess Of Cornwall.

The estate was originally built in a Georgian Neoclassical style between 1796 and 1798, and has been home to The Prince since 1980. He’s an avowed gardener and dedicated organic farmer. Highgrove House showcases his handiwork.

I especially love Thyme Walk (pic below). I also learned that Highgrove is open to the public on select dates from February through October. Has anyone visited?

I miss travel so much. And if anybody is wondering, of course, my upcoming Nat Geo trip (The Future of Everything, Global Innovation) has been cancelled. To be rescheduled next year, I hope.

The end of cash, finally?

Sad that it took something like coronavirus to stop politicians from fighting, tooth and nail, to keep virus-transmitting cash in the hands of the unbanked. Business owners were correct when they complained that cash money is germ-ridden and unsanitary. For the moment, the few restaurants that remain open for takeout, are no longer being forced to accept cash.

630K Retail Businesses currently closed. How many will reopen?

Coronavirus is winnowing out the winners from the losers in the business world. For those that were already teetering on the brink, this may be the final death knell.

The Post Office’s Days May also be Numbered

Several friends have told me that the USPS is no longer delivering mail to their buildings either because tenants or mail carriers themselves, have tested positive for coronavirus.

One building in the West Village, filled with people in their 80’s who are reliant on the mail for checks and bills, realized they had not gotten a mail delivery in over a week. In checking with their local post office, they learned that only 9 out of 61 employees are working because of coronavirus. The mail is not even being sorted. E-banking is the way to go.

Bottom Line.

As Cuomo says at his daily presser, we are heading for the apex. Fingers crossed it will not be as dire as predicted. Not sure when – June? July? August? – but in a few months surely, we will begin to plan for the eventual re-opening, re-building, and fresh start to life.

In the meantime, we have to deal with cabin fever and do all we can to tame the tension and social distress that is palpable all around the country.

I’m finding it extremely helpful to stay active and to challenge myself to find something new and enriching to learn, or do, on a daily basis.

Finally, and most importantly, staying connected is crucial. I’m reaching out to my friends and my community and they are reaching out to me and I am beyond grateful for their care and good humor.

One final tip, to survive this, we all have to limit our intake of coronavirus TV. It’s like an addiction and it’s not good for us. We must break the habit.

And with that, big hugs and virtual kisses and for those of you who haven’t yet seen it, watch this hysterically funny PSA from Larry David courtesy of the California Governor.

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